
Solution Engineering

Data Center Transformation

Do more with less.

In today's IT environments, everyone is being asked to do more with less. You are likely looking for ways to cut costs, optimize existing assets, improve service levels and satisfy ever-stricter compliance requirements. You're trying to make smarter investments, automate processes, and adjust your IT infrastructure to better keep pace with the business. A key challenge is lack of resources. Consider that 90 percent of IT budgets are required simply to maintain the status quo. Companies have to find ways to redirect that expense into innovation with projects and sourcing options that will cut costs, reduce server real estate, energy use, and risk, and achieve optimal quality.

The old paradigm of adding more hardware, more storage, more redundancy, and more people has hit an evolutionary dead end. That's the "transformation" in Data Center Transformation—actually changing the way we think of the data center and the way that things are done. IndSource is in the transformation business and our customers have learned to count on us to provide the following:

  • Discovery, assessment, and implementation services that can identify the inefficiencies and enable reduced budgets to return better results.
  • Consolidation and standardization of your data center(s) and IT process management means less complexity and greater cost savings from reduced maintenance, staff and technology.
  • Virtualization of existing servers means less energy usage and cost, and greater business continuity.
  • Automation of the data center to allow your staff to focus less on tactical maintenance and more on innovation projects.
  • Right sourcing the data center, helping you select the best options, including In-house, Outsourcing, and Cloud Services, to allow you to spend less on running the data center and more on strategic business investments.
That's what IndSource does, we help you transform your data centers and make the right IT sourcing decisions by leveraging our transformational services and outsourcing capabilities to achieve maximum return. We help you strategically prioritize and deliver modernization initiatives that make your operations more agile, secure and efficient while lowering your overall costs.

We can help your enterprise build Definitive Solutions.